May 20, 2010
The gooey oil washing into the maze of marshes along the Gulf Coast could prove impossible to remove, leaving a toxic stew lethal to fish and wildlife, government officials and independent scientists said.
Officials are considering some drastic and risky solutions: They could set the wetlands on fire or flood areas in hopes of floating out the oil.
They warn an aggressive cleanup could ruin the marshes and do more harm than good. The only viable option for many impacted areas is to do nothing and let nature break down the spill.
More than 50 miles of Louisiana's delicate shoreline already have been soiled by the massive slick unleashed after the Deepwater Horizon rig burned and sank last month. Officials fear oil eventually could invade wetlands and beaches from Texas to Florida. Louisiana is expected to be hit hardest.
On Saturday, a major pelican rookery was awash in oil off Louisiana's coast. Hundreds of birds nest on the island, and an Associated Press photographer saw some birds and their eggs stained with the ooze. Nests were perched in mangroves directly above patches of crude.
Plaquemines Parish workers put booms around the island, but puddles of oil were inside the barrier.
"Oil in the marshes is the worst-case scenario," said Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, the head of the federal effort to contain and clean up the spill.
Can't somebody get me outta' here !?!
Also Saturday, BP told federal regulators it plans to continue using a contentious chemical dispersant, despite orders from the Environmental Protection Agency to look for less toxic alternatives. BP said in a letter to the EPA that Corexit 9500 "remains the best option for subsea application."
The EPA didn't immediately comment on BP's decision.
Oil that has rolled into shoreline wetlands coats the stalks and leaves of plants such as roseau cane — the fabric that holds together an ecosystem that is essential to the region's fishing industry and a much-needed buffer against Gulf hurricanes. Soon, oil will smother those plants and choke off their supply of air and nutrients.
Marshes offer a vital line of defense against Gulf storms, blunting their fury before they hit populated areas. Louisiana and the federal government have spent hundreds of millions of dollars rebuilding barriers that were wiped out by hurricanes, notably Katrina in 2005.
They also act as nursery grounds for shrimp, crabs, oysters — the backbone of the region's fishing industry. Hundreds of thousands of migratory birds nest in the w
Video on the incoming Oil - Toxic Yuck
Not MY idea of a Bird Bath!!!
Seabirds are strongly affected by oil spills. A seabird may get covered in the oil. The thick black oil is too heavy for the birds to fly, so they attempt to clean themselves. The bird then eats the oil to clean its feathers and poisons itself. If workers have found sea birds that are not dead because of oil, they will take the birds to a cleaning center or captivity where they are kept in a facility because they can not live in the wild on their own. Animals that are in captivity because of an oil spill will be cleaned by professionals and volunteers. When a bird is in captivity, the oil will be flushed from its eyes, intestines, and feathers. The bird will be examined for any more injuries like broken bones, and it will take a medicine to prevent any more damage.
After the bird seems healthier, it will take a test on its abilities to float in the water and keep water away from its body. As soon as the bird passes its test, it will soon be let out into the wild.
More on Oil Spills and animals written by students
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The nonprofit Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary, Inc. is the largest wild bird hospital and bird sanctuary in the United States, based on the admission of up to 8,000 birds per year. It is set up to immediately triage, stabilize and administer fluids to oiled, malnourished, or injured birds. The birds would then need to be transported to a hazardous materials cleaning site. The Sanctuary has received thousand's of emails and calls from around the world from concerned groups and individuals.
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I think this oil spill is a really huge tragedy. But I also think it is also going to make people realize that they can't just sit around like lazy bums and not care anymore. What I would like to actually see in the blog is someone who is actually handleing this correctly and telling the truth it just seams like a ton of people are lieing and it even seams like most of the people that are worked for bp in the first place.
ReplyDeleteWe are trying to find them ...maybe someone should listen to the scientists.....
ReplyDeleteAnother great point Hannah ( 2 pts for you)
When I think about the summer I think about the beach I think about all my old friends from tn that are supposed to ce down and go to the beach. Now that the oil spill is going to destroy that opertunity I will have to arange plans. When I think about that I think not really a bog deal but I am just one person now when I think about the millions of people that have plans to go the beach here and other places to it makes me think of buisinesses, hotles,and other tourest areas those people who own places like that they could loose there jobs. Or they could even grow bankrupt!!
ReplyDeletewow this is horrible. i think that it would be better if humans didnt exsist. since we are creating all the problems.
ReplyDelete"More than 50 miles of Louisiana's delicate shoreline already have been soiled by the massive slick unleashed after the Deepwater Horizon rig burned and sank last month. Officials fear oil eventually could invade wetlands and beaches from Texas to Florida. Louisiana is expected to be hit hardest."
ReplyDeletedo humans make everything bad?!!! this is destroying the whole ecosystem!!!!! i really hope the oil hits the beaches and not the esturaies!!!!
I always thought that oil spills could be cleaned up in a matter of hours when i was in elementary school. I say that because i dont have any experience or nolegde about that topic until this oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico happened. I ignored anyone that talked about how oil spills are dangerous and what they can do to the environment until that oil rig sunk. Now i think about all of the harmless animals being killed for someones mistake.
ReplyDeleteJoseph Adair Blue
You are right Hannah, environmental issues touch everyone eventually - there's no escape even by spaceship - you take some environments with you as you leave. ( 2pts in the bonus box )
ReplyDeleteTaylor, goo comments- if it hits the beaches it can more easily be cleaned up - it will last a long time but it will not be as devastating.
(2pts in the bonus box) Don't forget Joseph, we all share some responsibility- I am glad you are now "paying attention" more people need to.( 2pts in the bonus box )
that is a hard move to take. If you just let the oil stay there it will destroy all wildlife around it. If you flood the oil out that will also kill many wildlife. I would hate to make that move. Alos this put many people out of work for atleast 2 years or more
ReplyDeleteYou are right Chris ... I just hope and trust that the right people will use the right science to make the right choices.
There are many different ways the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is extremely detrimental to our environment. I believe there is one good thing that can come out of environmental tragedy. That thing is maybe now we can realize what happens when people ignore science and decide to cut corners just to save a few bucks. If there would have been more blowout preventers on the pipe transferring the oil than maybe this horrible tragedy would have never happened. Hopefully we can learn from this and make it illegal not to have extra blowout preventers.
ReplyDeleteLiam R., Blue
You say it well sir.
ReplyDeleteHey Mr.V i just read about the oil spill and i think that this whole thing is a disaster! I hate how the sea animals have to go through this poor stage! When they should be living in peace! But yet again it was an accident! But i have a question i heard that they found away to get all the pil out but they havent! So i was thinking is it possible or not that all the oil can be gone? Anyways most people think its gone because it doesnt show on the surface! But people it either sank or mixed!! Because oil cant stay at the top right? I just want to know more about this i am really intrested! And it would be wonderful to help them with the oil spill!!!
ReplyDeleteYou have some superb questions and observations. There are several other [postings on the blog about the oil spill with links to more information.
ReplyDeleteI can share some resources with you too.
But, I kind of have to know who you are...(lol)
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LOL!!! SOrry i forgot! Im Sabrina Yellow/Red
ReplyDeleteLOL!! I forgot!!! I am Sabrina Yellow/Red!!
ReplyDeleteThat's OK. Happens to me all the time.
ReplyDeletePut Two (2) Points in the bonus box
Hi Mr. V, I read about the oil spill and watched the video where they talk about how the oil spill is greatly affecting seafood markets, and there are even people who are training to smell the oil in the seafood they eat. I was wondering if oil had a strong smell because in the video I noticed that the people trying to smell out the oil were really close to their food, they had their noses pressed to it! Also, my cousin lives in Louisiana, and shes had it rough ever since hurricane Katrina hit, and now the oil spill hit Louisiana! They even mentioned that Louisiana was going to be hit the worst! My poor cousin!